Follow My screen Shots ,
1.Go to the local disk C
2. Open j2sdk folder
3. Open the bin directory and copy Address bar line
4.close that window and go to the system properties.
5.choose advanced
6. and go to the envirenment variables and choose path.
7. click edit and paste.after that close the window.
Now we are ready to our first progrmme in java. Lets start our first programme.
1. open the note pad and type this.
2. save it in my documents as
3. next open the CMD and type dir and hit enter
4. next type cd My Documents and press enter
5. again type dir and press enter. now you can see our first programme .
Now we want compile it. type javac and press enter
Now our first progrmme is ready to use. Lets run our first programme. type java MyFirst and enter.
Contragulations ! you created the first programme in java language.